The Projects Gallery

Some images from projects we have undertaken to date.
Please click on an image to see the higher resolution version.

Sludge Reception System:
Comprising of a 4 spiral live bottom sludge reception hopper
feeding 2 conveyors with the ability to swap between either conveyor or to
feed both simultaneously, with each conveyor feeding a pump.
(supporting Concrete Structure Removed for Clarity)
IWOCS Umbilical Termination Assembly Concept:
3D model of subsea umbilical termination assembly used for analysis and fit and function testing. 
Sliding Frame Silo:
Designed to feed two extraction pumps whilst maintaining a uniform extraction rate.
The silo will hold over 200m3 of sludge and has a hydraulically operated sliding frame in the bottom and will feed either one or both of the pumps at a time.
Twin Live Bottom Silos:
The silo is split into two 80m3 silos with a screw conveyor in the bottom of each section. Each section can be isolated by the means of a slidegate valve from the pump beneath for maintenance purposes.
The silo seen here is in the final stages or erection and was delivered in 6 sections to enable transportation.
Screanings Extraction Machine:
This was codenamed the megamini and was developed to reuse old and obsolete equipment for use in sewage treatment works for the removal of debris from the water inlet.
Truck Loading Sludge System:
The silo is fed by a number of conveyors from inside the building, the silo is a sliding frame silo which feeds a truck loading conveyor.
The truck loading conveyor has a number of automatically operated outlet positions in order to get an even distribution in the truck.